
Nature is at the heart of
who we are.
But as society
has evolved, we've drifted away,
leaving our bodies and minds weary, longing for
what we've lost.

Amid the concrete jungles,
we find ourselves yearning for the quiet healing touch of nature.
It’s time to pause, to step away from the monotony of daily life, and rediscover
the inspiration that breathes meaning into our existence.

In the serene valleys of Yangpyeong, where Me-kkot blossoms
once danced in
the breeze, the story of
Les Jardins de Médongaule unfolds.
May this be the place where your journey back
to nature begins.

every pathway
tells a story
Les Jardins de Médongaule


Promote nature-friendly living and cultivate humanities,
fostering sustainability and intellectual growth
for a better world.


Create a world-class garden that
for a millennium.

Core Values

Excellence, passion, dignity, harmony, deep love
for nature and humanity.


MÉDONGAULE, a native Korean term that means 'a valley once filled with vibrant blooms of Me-kkot (short-hairy morning glory),'
encompasses both geographical and botanical implications.
The brand identity (BI) of Médongaule, designed by Pezo von Ellrichshausen,
the architects for Pezo Restaurant, is rooted in finding a delicate balance between nature and human life,
capturing the essence of its name by allowing diverse and open-ended interpretation.